Sick for decades? Read on…
I recently listened to an interview with Dr Edward Taub, who has become a world leader in stroke rehabilitation and Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CI Therapy). He features in Norman Doidge’s book – The Brain that Changes Itself.
He shows the real life applications of Neural Plasticity with his work training people out of their strokes – walking and talking after sometimes severe impairment.
But he highlights some interesting things that as a Lightning Process practitioner I see as well.
He agrees that there is no correlation between length of time since having the stroke and treatment effectiveness. He saw a man who had a stroke 50 years ago show excellent results in his 2-3 week programme proving rapid and large change is possible.
He also commented that success is not guaranteed. One’s determination and consistency in daily exercises is what makes the difference. This is something that I always stress to people as well. Although Lightning Process results might seem miraculous, it is not a magic cure and takes consistency and the right sort of work. But rapid and permanent change is possible.
As his work with strokes show, our nervous system’s capacity to repair and re-organise is with us to our final days.