I have had numerous health issues in the past, chronic abdominal pain, asthma, excema, severe allergies (peanuts in particular causing anaphylaxis), digestive issues, low-immunity, NERD (Non-erosive Reflux disease), CRV virus, on-going nausea, grumbling appendix, menorrhagia, and finally back, ankle, neck and knee issues from my competitive trampolining.
I tried to face these issues bravely but at times I felt despair and would be in tears. In one case I had an ambulance visit at 3am Christmas morning when I felt paralysed, and my back was spasming and I was in agonising pain. It was a very frightening start to Christmas morning.
I developed severe abdominal pain and on-going nausea in December 2013 right up until the LP course two years later. The pain was so intense at times I would pass out. The constant nausea and pain controlled my life. My appetite was gone and I lost weight and it was a challenge to attend school, university and work.
I saw numerous specialists, had numerous tests and a laporascopic procedure to remove my appendix and to check for endometriosis.Two great surgeons operating on me looking at their area of expertise in the same surgery. The pain and nausea sadly continued. The specialists suggested ‘pain management’ as the conditions diagnosed were not treatable (NERD and Chronic Abdominal Pain Syndrome). A lifetime of drug-taking did not appeal at all.
A casual conversation my mum had with a friend introduced the term Lightning Process to us. Initially Mum didn’t mention it to me but waited to do some research. I had tried so many strong medications, attended pain management appointments, hypnosis, yoga, had colonics and numerous natural & herbal remedies as well as a complete overhaul of my diet with minimal or no relief so that’s why Mum was skeptical of this training course and she didn’t want to introduce anything to me which would be just another waste of time.
Mum was surprised by the amazing recoveries people had experienced from so many different conditions and so she decided to talk to me about it after all, and she bought the Introduction to the Lightning Process book and we read it together. It made sense and there is so much research and science behind the concepts.
I was so fortunate to get on the course in September 2015 and by Day 2 of the 3 day course I was feeling better already. I confidently ate peanut butter on toast with no anaphylaxis, not even a tingle. I am now nausea-free, pain-free, allergy free and able to eat gluten and peanuts and experience no side-effects. I have much more energy and regularly keep up with what I have learnt on the course. Whenever I have any symptoms or ‘pits’ I quickly get out of them with this learned technique.
I have been rock-climbing, roller-skating, snow-boarding, going on treks and saying yes to so many more experiences. I can socialise more and I du excited about the direction my life can take. Mum and I were talking about how the Lightning Process is something we will always have when anything thats not life-enhancing occurs in our lives and a symptom or pit isn’t appropriate we have this amazing tool/technique to get out of it.
Thank you so much again Ian. Mum and I have set up a Facebook page to share a few photos and videos. Here’s the link if you’re interested.