A former client sent this email as a 6 month check in. I absolutely love this. So inspiring.
I wonder where you could be in 6 months?
“After a week I remember telling you it was working but it was hard.
You asked me whether it was harder than 4 years of fatigue & anxiety? 😂
Now that it’s all behind me, I want to share this insight to you & others.
Change was hard & scary but so much easier than I thought.
It was hard at times but in a very different way from those horror years of CFS, panic attacks & stress.
The work was boring & repetitive. That was hard for someone like me.
It was hard to prioritise the Lightning Process because I was used to prioritizing others.
It was hard to fully relax & just be present as I was used to being in my head & overthinking everything.
It was hard to be kind to myself, especially on harder days.
It was really hard to trust it would turn out ok as I was a genius at catastrophising.
Some days were just hard.
So yes it was hard but worth it.
It’s been a big 6 months. I broke up with my partner. That was hard but right.
My parents still can’t believe I get up early to exercise. Sometimes that’s hard.
I just finished a really hard 4 day hike. AMAZING!
Next year I will finally finish my uni, that I had to defer. That will be hard to go back without my friends but worth it.
So one of the best things the Lightning Process gave me, as well as feeling great, was the insight that I’m OK with hard.
I’m just choosing my hard now.
Thanks for showing me I’m worth it & that I can do hard things.