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Ian Cleary

My journey with cfs lasted 18 years. I moved from a mild form to bedridden and back again. I was able to work by doing relief teaching, this allowed me to earn money without the heavy demands of a teaching load plus I could take a day off as I needed to. I did very little else, only exercised during the holidays, didn’t really go out at night, if I did I was home by 10pm and then didn’t go out again for a long time. People tell me now that they stopped inviting me out as they knew I wouldn’t go.

During the 18 years I had tried so many things to get well, to become a ‘normal’ person again. This included: naturopathy, homeopathy, Kahuna Massage, Psychotherapy, Counselling, changing the amalgam fillings in my teeth, various diets (wheat free, gluten free, low carb, no carb, sugar and alcohol free etc.), Hypnotherapy, Reichian style therapy, anti-biotic therapy, vitamin C & B therapy, positive thinking and motivational workshops and perhaps others that I have forgotten.

Then my mother told me about The Lightning Process. I was skeptical. After trying so many things I thought, ‘Oh well, one more thing to try.’ Even though I wasn’t hopeful I thought I had to try it as my mother told me about a girl who did have success with escaping from cfs.

So now here I am, a normal person again. I remember on the second and third day of the training program saying ‘I think it’s working despite myself’. My life has turned around. I am working daily without the exhaustion, exercising 3-6 times per week. I am doing an evening training course. I go out to dinner and dancing. I sleep like a log. I can eat and drink anything I like to drink and eat. I have redecorated my home and bought new furniture, all this in the last 4 months! My mother and sister have now also done The Lightening Process after seeing the incredible changes in me.

Don’t miss your free 30 minute consultation...


+61 (0)450736082

PO Box 481
Eumundi, Qld, 4562.