Ian Cleary

Letter to editor

A recent article in the ANZMES newsletter from a member, put into print one of the arguments I regularly hear and felt needed addressing. A big thanks to Colin for allowing my comments to be printed in the following edition.

To paraphrase the article I was responding to – If you get well using the Lightning Process you couldn’t have had ME in the first place. It was probably Glandular fever or some mimic of ME.
It is an argument that I hear all the time and makes no logical sense, as people I see are getting their diagnosis from ME experts. Which creates an interesting dilemma – either the diagnosis from the experts are wrong which puts uncertainly on all other diagnosis OR the Lightning Process can be effective with ME. I suspect it is the later.
Hopefully at some stage there will be a biological marker or definitive test that will allow these anti-Lightning Process arguments to be put to bed once and for all.

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