tigrinho sugar rush gates of olympus demo fortune rabbit
Ian Cleary

What’s your Yeah But?

If you search you will find lots of stories of people successfully recovering from ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, CRPS, PTSD, anxiety or depression.   When people come across a success story from a person who once had what they are now suffering from there is often a very familiar response…….   YEAH BUT…….. There are thousands of endings to […]

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You are not at the mercy of your Emotions

One of the concepts of the Lightning Process is to use current understandings of how the brain and body interact to have a positive influence over our health. While we might be a product of our past we do not have to be at the mercy of it. Learning to engage in the PRESENT moment and our automatic […]

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RAS – A Piece of the Puzzle

The video below is a useful way to think about just how the brain processes all the information that comes its way. With the brain located inside our skull it relies on our nerves to send it important information. This includes information about the world around us and the working of our body. All of this […]

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Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

I sent out this poem recently to my Lightning Process Graduates and so many replied to say how much they related to it. The process of getting out of auto-pilot and retraining our brain / body to respond differently is not always smooth. It’s a journey that this poem captures well. Autobiography in Five Short […]

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Thought Suppression – Don’t think about it

“Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute.” Dostoevsky 1863   While you are not thinking of polar bears, whatever you do now don’t think of dancing jellybeans. And definitely don’t think that embarrassing thought […]

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Be your own Neuroplastic Surgeon

I wrote a recent post “If Pain persists BE your own Doctor”. This one could be  “If you are stuck BE your own Neuroplastic Surgeon”. To live a brilliant life you don’t need understand the brain at the level of a Neuroscientist like Michael Merzenich. But you would be foolish to ignore his message. And […]

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I’ve tried everything

Many people I see have been sick for a long time & come to me with a long list of failures, having ‘tried everything’. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible or even hard. It is just a comment on the approaches they have tried or how they have used the approaches. Maybe it means it’s time […]

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Self-Sabotage or Self-Protection

I call the work I do self-directed NEUROPLASTICITY change. I train people. I guide them. I point out blind spots. I am their cheer squad and coach. But I am not able to do the work. That is up to them. Only they can do it. So in the course of discussing whether someone is […]

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The perception of threat

May 18, 2016IanDepression, anxiety and other conditions, The Stress ResponseComments Off on The perception of threat

We give our brain far too much credit for being ‘smart’. Its real focus is PROTECTION. Good health requires the brain to have an accurate perception of what’s going on outside the skull (in the body and around the body). The accurate perception of threat is critical  and it is often way off. If you […]

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Getting better or just getting better at managing?

March 11, 2016IanChronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME, Chronic Pain/ Fibromyalgia, Depression, anxiety and other conditions, Lightning Process, NeuroplasticityComments Off on Getting better or just getting better at managing?

The understanding of NEUROPLASTICITY has become a valuable tool in working with both physical and mental health. NEUROPLASTICITY is the process where the brain alters its structure and function as an adaptation to experience. The implications of this are huge. One implication is that the things that people do to ‘manage’ their problem are also […]

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