Ian Cleary

Nice article describing the Lightning Process: “Success in treating persistent pain now offers hope for those with Long Covid”

July 1, 2024IanUncategorizedComments Off on Nice article describing the Lightning Process: “Success in treating persistent pain now offers hope for those with Long Covid”

My journey to here….

February 8, 2024IanUncategorizedComments Off on My journey to here….

CFS – From 13 years in bed

February 8, 2024IanUncategorizedComments Off on CFS – From 13 years in bed

Fibromyalgia Recovery – Update from Wendy

October 6, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on Fibromyalgia Recovery – Update from Wendy

September 2023

It’s now one year since I did the Lightning Process and what a amazing year it’s been!  There’s been plenty of big challenges to move through this year. Amongst several difficult issues to deal with, two of our beloved dogs died (both seniors) six months apart and my husband was diagnosed with a large, complex and inoperable brain aneurysm early this year. Of course this presented us both (at first) with great fear, but  – I’m still well! 

In the past, fear and stresses like these would have sent me reeling and in bed with all manner of hideous, debilitation symptoms (my stress response was high!) for weeks on end. Since doing the LP, which I practice every day, (and love), apart from a few days here and there of some old symptoms partially recurring, I’ve remained well. Whatever arises, I can now change it and feel good. Sometimes when dealing with the bigger challenges accompanied by grief and shock, it may take a day or so, but I can bounce back quickly. 

I get up at around 7.30-8  am and I’m up all day doing things I love. I’m going out with friends, (and I don’t need to sleep/rest before and there’s no payback!) I’m walking for 30 to 60 mins every day, I go to the gym three times per week and I do stretching and other exercises every day, plus practice my much loved QiGong daily. But that’s stuff I do. Don’t get me wrong – I love being able to go out, have the energy to exercise etc but it’s the mental benefits that are probably the best. I’m calmer, I rarely feel anxious, (and if I do, I can change it). I’m more confident and make clearer, better decisions and I’m looking forward to starting more new things even at my senior age of 73. I used to achieve things by pushing myself and just doing my best to manage my symptoms – now I’m calmly and strongly flourishing. The LP gives me confidence to know I can stay well and love my life regardless of what arises. 

My husband completed the LP recently too and it’s taken our relationship to a whole other level. We work on the LP together and it’s such a joy that we speak the same ‘language’ now, more than ever before, even though we’ve always been very close and had great communication. 

Ian, Phil and the Lightning Process have given me a better life than I’ve ever experienced previously. 

With love and deep gratitude,

Wendy Bryan 

Long Covid & the Lightning Process

August 30, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on Long Covid & the Lightning Process

The Journal Explore published a Case Study of 2 people with Long Covid taking a Lightning Process training. Both reported improvements in fatigue and a range of physical ad emotional symptoms post-treatment and at 3 months.

These initial case reports suggest further research would be beneficial.

MS & the Lightning Process

August 22, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on MS & the Lightning Process

It’s a very difficult position to hold that the mind & body do NOT influence each other. 
As soon as someone updates their world view, then new (non-drug) treatment options arise. 
Here’s a review of 22 papers on Multiple Sclerosis.

Conclusion “Findings from the review suggest a positive relationship between psychological interventions and physiological Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.
The most highly influenced physical symptoms include fatigue, sleep disturbances, pain, and physical vitality.”

Below is a write up in the MS Resource Centre UK Newsletter about the Lightning Process.

Triggered not caused

August 14, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on Triggered not caused

The question ‘is it real?’ is based on such a silly outdated view. 

Of course it’s real!

A more useful question might be
‘Is it an appropriate response?’. 

If not, we can shift our focus to retraining the brain to start responding appropriately. 

What does recovery FEEL like?

July 21, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on What does recovery FEEL like?

This success video is one of my all time favourites. 

It’s powerful to know that someone, who has gone through what you’re going through, is out the other side and flourishing. 

But this isn’t a success story – it’s EIGHT!

And you can actually WATCH it in action! 

Last Sunday a squad of Lightning Process graduates, celebrated health by signing up for the RunMelbourne event. All had used the Lightning Process to overcome chronic pain or fatigue conditions.

It was an honour to join them.

We signed up, we trained for months, we had fun and we even made page 3 of the Melbourne Age! (Watch to the end)

Some ran 5km. Some ran 10km. 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️

Some had never run that far in their life!

So here’s a success story AND an invitation. 

Join us. 

This will become an annual event.

(If runnings not your thing – fine. Set your own inspiring goal & use that as your fuel to turn your life around.)


Lightning Process Success Run Melbourne

July 19, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on Lightning Process Success Run Melbourne

Does Lightning Process success Last?

May 11, 2023IanUncategorizedComments Off on Does Lightning Process success Last?

My all time favourite Lightning Process success story. You’ll see why.


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