tigrinho sugar rush gates of olympus demo fortune rabbit
Ian Cleary

Be your own Neuroplastic Surgeon

I wrote a recent post “If Pain persists BE your own Doctor”. This one could be  “If you are stuck BE your own Neuroplastic Surgeon”. To live a brilliant life you don’t need understand the brain at the level of a Neuroscientist like Michael Merzenich. But you would be foolish to ignore his message. And […]

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I’ve tried everything

Many people I see have been sick for a long time & come to me with a long list of failures, having ‘tried everything’. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible or even hard. It is just a comment on the approaches they have tried or how they have used the approaches. Maybe it means it’s time […]

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Self-Sabotage or Self-Protection

I call the work I do self-directed NEUROPLASTICITY change. I train people. I guide them. I point out blind spots. I am their cheer squad and coach. But I am not able to do the work. That is up to them. Only they can do it. So in the course of discussing whether someone is […]

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Neuroplasticity and the Sudoku myth

February 25, 2016IanInspirational & General Interest, NeuroplasticityComments Off on Neuroplasticity and the Sudoku myth

You may have heard that maintaining high cognitive function and memory is a simple as doing your daily Sudoku or crossword puzzle thanks to the wonders of Neuroplasticity. REALLY? Will doing Sudoku really change your brain at all?  It turns out that the answer IS yes…. but only because everything does. However if you think […]

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Stress? Coping well vs just not doing it. You CHOOSE.

You may know the boiled frog experiment. Put a frog in a pot of warm water and it will detect the warmth and jump out. But the bizarre thing is if you put it in a pot of water at room temperature then heat it slowly, the frog can’t detect ANY change and will stay there […]

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5 Stages of Change

September 16, 2015IanInspirational & General Interest, Lightning Process, NeuroplasticityComments Off on 5 Stages of Change

Why is making change effortless for some people yet for others it seems impossible? This has been one of the driving questions that has influenced my work for many years. The Lightning Process training programme is a tool to make change. People who take the training are signing up to learn how to change their […]

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Don’t bother trying to change

March 3, 2015IanChronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME, Inspirational & General InterestComments Off on Don’t bother trying to change

  I was reading an article about immune function and how we can influence it. The advice: “Don’t smoke, sleep well, eat a healthy diet, make sure you exercise regularly, improve your personal relationships and try to reduce the stress in your life”.   Wise words from the doctor and I agree except for one thing. The presence of […]

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Rituals of Relaxation

October 31, 2014IanChronic Pain/ Fibromyalgia, Inspirational & General Interest, The Stress ResponseComments Off on Rituals of Relaxation

You would think that relaxing is the easiest thing to do in the world. When someone is good at it, they just seem to be able to stop what they are doing, and their body does the rest. However for some, relaxation is more elusive. If  it is a challenge, it can be some of […]

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Some Antics with words

October 29, 2014IanChronic Pain/ Fibromyalgia, Inspirational & General Interest, NeuroplasticityComments Off on Some Antics with words

“If we understood the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our weakness and and our own strength”  Betty Eadie     People who have taken a course […]

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Self Rescue!

April 11, 2014IanInspirational & General Interest, Lightning ProcessComments Off on Self Rescue!

“So you’re in a spot of bother. Well, you aren’t the first and you sure won’t be the last – so have faith and keep your hope up  -whether you make it out alive or not will largely come down to you: your attitude and your actions. “ Bear Grylls I have to admit that […]

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