Ian Cleary

Is the Underpants Bomber’s Terror attack responsible for CFS?

March 26, 2013IanChronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME, Chronic Pain/ Fibromyalgia, Depression, anxiety and other conditions, Lightning Process, The Stress ResponseComments Off on Is the Underpants Bomber’s Terror attack responsible for CFS?

That’s sure to get your attention. The answer is no BUT ………..for anyone suffering from a condition of heightened sensitivity (CFS, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic pain, PTSD) please read on. The circumstances around this terror attack highlight an important principle. On Christmas Day 2009, a Nigerian man named Abdulmutallab boarded Northwest Airline Flight 253 from […]

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Stress and Illness

Chronic Dwelling = Chronic Inflammation A recent study out of the UK showed that when people were asked to think about a negative event the levels of C-reactive protein, which is a marker of tissue inflammation, rose. The levels stayed elevated for an hour but could also be normalized by changing focus. This is an […]

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Post Lightning Process pain?

March 6, 2013IanChronic Fatigue Syndrome & ME, Chronic Pain/ Fibromyalgia, Inspirational & General InterestComments Off on Post Lightning Process pain?

I love getting updates from people about what they are up to in the years that follow their Lightning Process training – jobs, weddings, kids, sport, travel etc etc. I often tell people to take photos of their successes as a ‘visual reminder’. I was recently sent this photo from a past client – you […]

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Author of “Explain Pain” – Lorimer Moseley – on Why things hurt

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Pain & Rewiring the Brain

Here is a link to a recent article in Wall Street Journal on Pain and techniques that look to ‘rewire the Brain’. People are often interested as to why the Lightning Process looks at such things as thoughts/language/beliefs/expectation in retraining people out of chronic pain states. The answer is that we know they play a […]

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Pain and retraining the Brain

Here is a great video put out by GP Access & NSW Health on Pain and the Brain. Simple and to the point. It highlights how chronic pain requires a broad perspective and the power we have when we get smart about our brain. The brain makes a wonderful slave but a terrible master Email […]

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Neuralplasticity and ME/CFS

A few people have asked me about a book I sometimes make reference to  – ‘The Brain that Changes Itself” by  Norman Doidge. ME/CFS is a classified by the World Health Organsiation as a Neurological Condition. So for sufferers it contains a great overview of the changes in our understanding of how the brain works. […]

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Letter to editor

A recent article in the ANZMES newsletter from a member, put into print one of the arguments I regularly hear and felt needed addressing. A big thanks to Colin for allowing my comments to be printed in the following edition. To paraphrase the article I was responding to – If you get well using the […]

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Energy Saving

We hear a lot about saving energy nowadays but the people I see who have CFS or ME have been doing it for decades. Saving your energy becomes essential when the consequences of pushing through and crashing can put you in bed for weeks or months. When you are ill, fitting in just one thing […]

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CAUTION-The Lightning Process can scar you for life

How’s this for an email I got from a lovely lady I saw 2 months ago. Well done Alex. You are a champion. “Hi Ian, Just emailing to tell you how I’ve been going. The past month has been absolutely amazing. I won dux at my school despite all the time I had off, I […]

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