March 2010
Georgina ─ Pregnant and loving life. Late 30s mum-to-be recovered after 7 years.
‘Normal’ and ‘fantastic’ is how I would describe my life now. My dream to have a baby is fast approaching as I am now five months pregnant. I would never have believed this was possible only 18 months ago when I was struggling to walk the 50 metres to the end of my mum’s driveway.
Seems like a miracle! Applying the Lightning Process has had a ‘miraculous’ impact on my life. Lightning Process helped me to re-train my mind and body to get back to normal. Lots and lots of practise and consistency have got me to this point. I now hardly need to use the process and use it for extra things like getting the first job I applied for, being successful in meetings at work, and having a great time when I go out.
I had CFS twice for a total of 7 years. It started with a car accident that left me in great pain and stopped me from working. The ‘pain condition’ did not go away and created tension, stress and fatigue. A stressful year, a new job, and what appeared to be ‘the flu’ were the final straw.
When CFS came on it was profound. All ‘normal’ life stopped. Five years I spent climbing out of the worst of it and getting back to part-time work and some social life and excercise. Many many alternative remedies were tried. Then, just when I thought my life was really back on track, I caught another severe flu. The symptoms of CFS came back worse than ever. I was bed-ridden, house-bound and chronically ill for 18 months. At one stage I was going be put in hospital as I was struggling to get up at all, and digesting anything was very difficult.
Most of the symptoms of CFS were present: extreme fatigue, allergy, brain fog could not describe how the mind shut down, aches, pains, dizziness, severe weight loss, depression, mood changes, sensitivity to light and sound. I could not watch TV/listen to music/read/write/or even talk for more than very limited periods of the day and sometimes not at all.
The only reason for telling you how ‘bad’ it was is because there were times when I never thought I would be able to beat it. There was despair and hopelessness. Sometimes it’s hard to keep the hope alive when you feel like you have tried everything and you can become very cynical (to say the least) about new therapies or suggestions from friends.
Then a friend sent me a newspaper article about Ian’s wife’s success at using the Lightning Process to recover from CFS and have a baby. I read and re-read the article so many times. I could really relate to the story and the ‘transformation’ sparked a determination in me to be ‘ like her’. “Why can’t I have the same success and get the same results?”
I called Ian. That was it. It made sense to have a go. All the things I had tried (the exercise program, Chinese medicine, naturopaths, psychology, meditation) helped me get to the point where I knew there was something else I needed to do.
I went to Sydney (a big deal getting on a plane at that time). In the three days of training my life started to turn around.
It’s now 12 months since I did the training and it’s like I’ve been given another chance at life. I’m back to my old self, but a better self. Sometimes it’s hard to remember what I used to be like with CFS. I am having a very easy pregnancy and have heaps of energy. Even other pregnant friends are envious.
I don’t need to tell people about the CFS because I don’t have it anymore. I am eternally grateful for how far I’ve come and for a future filled with hope and excitement. The best part is knowing that if I hit a ‘stumbling block’ I can use the Lighting Process to turn it around. So the ‘fear’ of going back has gone.
I wish someone had told me about LP earlier and saved me 7 years of CFS. I learnt a lot from being ill and made the most of my situation. But to be able to get better and get my life back on track is the most amazing experience of all.
Thanks to Ian for his great training/mentoring and to Phil Parker for spending years designing the Process. And, just as importantly, I thank myself for having the courage to give the Lightning Process a go.